Section 10 Species proportions
In this script, we will calculate the proportion of rainforest and open-country bird species that was detected across the three treatment types for a given period of time. Species richness may only give us a broader understanding of the overall levels of diversity, but getting at a measure of abundance (where we calculate the proportion of rainforest and open-country birds that were vocal in a given habitat type for a given period of time) may provide insights on the use of a particular habitat - an important question that needs to be answered, given that we would like to understand if fauna are using actively restored habitats.
10.1 Install required libraries
# Source any custom/other internal functions necessary for analysis
10.2 Load the necessary data to calculate proportions
# We load the subset data
<- read.csv("results/datSubset.csv")
# Load species-trait data to essentially check for associations by habitat type
<- read.csv("data/species-trait-dat.csv")
# Site-summary (Number of detections across all sites)
<- datSubset %>%
datSummary group_by(Site, Restoration.type) %>%
transform() %>% replace(, 0) %>%
summarise_at(.vars = vars(c("IP":"HSWP")),.funs = sum)
10.3 Proportion of acoustic detections across all 10-s chunks for every site-date combination
# Calculate the overall number of detections for each site across 6 days of data (translates to ~96-min of data per site; each detection corresponding to a temporal unit of 10 seconds). Here, we include dates, since each visit can explain the detections/proportion of detections for future modeling.
<- datSubset %>%
nDetections_site_date group_by(Site, Restoration.type, Date) %>%
transform() %>% replace(, 0) %>%
summarise_at(.vars = vars(c("IP":"HSWP")),.funs = sum)
# Combine the nDetections and trait based data
<- nDetections_site_date %>%
nDetections_trait pivot_longer(cols=IP:HSWP, names_to="Species_Code", values_to="count") %>%
left_join(.,trait_dat, by=c("Species_Code"="species_annotation_codes")) %>%
mutate(forProp = case_when(count>0 ~ 1,count==0 ~ 0)) %>%
rename(., nDetections = count)
# Extract proportion of acoustic detections
<- nDetections_trait %>%
totRainDetections filter(habitat=="RF") %>%
group_by(Site, Date, Restoration.type) %>%
summarise(totRFDetections = sum(nDetections))
<- nDetections_trait %>%
totOpenDetections filter(habitat=="OC") %>%
group_by(Site, Date, Restoration.type) %>%
summarise(totOCDetections = sum(nDetections))
# proportion of acoustic detections (note: sampling unit = 10-s)
<- left_join(totRainDetections, totOpenDetections,
prop by=c("Site","Date","Restoration.type")) %>%
mutate(propRF = (totRFDetections)/(totRFDetections + totOCDetections)) %>%
mutate(propOC = (1 - propRF))
# write the above results
write.csv(prop, "results/acoustic-detections.csv", row.names = F)
10.4 Testing for differences in species acoustic detections across treatment types
Plotting proportion of rainforest and open -country species detections and testing for any significant differences between treatment types
# Test if there are significant differences in the proportion of rainforest species across treatment types
<- aov(propRF~Restoration.type, data = prop)
anovaPropRF <- TukeyHSD(anovaPropRF)
# Test if there are significant differences in the proportion of open country species across treatment types
<- aov(propOC~Restoration.type, data = prop)
anovaPropOC <- TukeyHSD(anovaPropOC)
# The above result suggests that there is a significant difference in the proportion of detections of rainforest and open-country species across treatment types
# reordering factors for plotting
$Restoration.type <- factor(prop$Restoration.type, levels = c("Benchmark", "Active", "Passive"))
prop# Add a custom set of colors
<- c(brewer.pal(name="Dark2", n = 3), brewer.pal(name="Paired", n = 3))
<- ggplot(prop, aes(x=Restoration.type, y=propRF, fill=Restoration.type)) + geom_boxplot(alpha=0.7) +
fig_propRF scale_fill_manual("Treatment type",values=mycolors, labels=c("BM","AR","NR")) +
theme_bw() +
labs(x="\nTreatment Type",
y="Proportion of rainforest species detections\n") +
scale_x_discrete(labels = c('BM','AR','NR')) +
theme(axis.title = element_text(family = "Century Gothic",
size = 14, face = "bold"),
axis.text = element_text(family="Century Gothic",size = 14),
legend.position = "none")
ggsave(fig_propRF, filename = "figs/fig_acousticDetections_propRF.png", width=12, height=7, device = png(), units="in", dpi = 300);
<- ggplot(prop, aes(x=Restoration.type, y=propOC, fill=Restoration.type)) + geom_boxplot(alpha=0.7) +
fig_propOC scale_fill_manual("Treatment type",values=mycolors, labels=c("BM","AR","NR")) +
theme_bw() +
labs(x="\nTreatment Type",
y="Proportion of open-country species detections\n") +
scale_x_discrete(labels = c('BM','AR','NR')) +
theme(axis.title = element_text(family = "Century Gothic",
size = 14, face = "bold"),
axis.text = element_text(family="Century Gothic",size = 14),
legend.position = "none")
ggsave(fig_propOC, filename = "figs/fig_acousticDetections_propOC.png", width=12, height=7, device = png(), units="in", dpi = 300);
10.5 Proportion of detections across acoustic point counts
Here, we repeat the above analysis with a different sampling unit, where the total number of detections of a species was estimated for each point count rather than across 10-s chunks. In other words, if a species was detected thrice vocally, it was marked as a single detection in that point count.
# Rather than summing the total number of detections across all 10-s clips for every 16-min, here we calculate the proportion of times a species was detected in six visits.
# Extract proportion of rainforest species detections across six visits
<- nDetections_trait %>%
totRainVisits filter(habitat=="RF") %>%
group_by(Site, Date, Restoration.type) %>%
summarise(totRF = sum(forProp))
<- nDetections_trait %>%
totOpenVisits filter(habitat=="OC") %>%
group_by(Site, Date, Restoration.type) %>%
summarise(totOC = sum(forProp))
# proportion of acoustic detections (note: sampling unit = 1 point count)
<- left_join(totRainVisits, totOpenVisits,
propVisit by=c("Site","Date","Restoration.type")) %>%
mutate(propRF = (totRF)/(totRF + totOC)) %>%
mutate(propOC = (1 - propRF))
# write the above results to a file
write.csv(propVisit, "results/acoustic-detections-across-visits.csv", row.names = F)
10.6 Testing for differences in rainforest and open-country species detections across acoustic point counts
# Test if there are significant differences in the proportion of rainforest species across treatment types
<- aov(propRF~Restoration.type, data = propVisit)
anovaRF <- TukeyHSD(anovaRF)
# Test if there are significant differences in the proportion of rainforest species across treatment types
<- aov(propOC~Restoration.type, data = propVisit)
anovaOC <- TukeyHSD(anovaOC)
# The above result suggests that there is a significant difference in the proportion of detections of rainforest and open-country species across all treatment types at the level of an acoustic point count.
# Create a boxplot of proportion estimates by group (Here: group refers to Restoration Type)
# reordering factors for plotting
$Restoration.type <- factor(propVisit$Restoration.type, levels = c("Benchmark", "Active", "Passive"))
<- ggplot(propVisit, aes(x=Restoration.type, y=propRF, fill=Restoration.type)) + geom_boxplot(alpha=0.7) +
fig_RF scale_fill_manual("Treatment type",values=mycolors, labels=c("BM","AR","NR")) +
theme_bw() +
labs(x="\nTreatment Type",
y="Proportion of rainforest species detections\n") +
scale_x_discrete(labels = c('BM','AR','NR')) +
theme(axis.title = element_text(family = "Century Gothic",
size = 14, face = "bold"),
axis.text = element_text(family="Century Gothic",size = 14),
legend.position = "none")
ggsave(fig_RF, filename = "figs/fig_acousticPointCount_propRF.png", width=12, height=7, device = png(), units="in", dpi = 300);
<- ggplot(propVisit, aes(x=Restoration.type, y=propOC, fill=Restoration.type)) + geom_boxplot(alpha=0.7) +
fig_OC scale_fill_manual("Treatment type",values=mycolors, labels=c("BM","AR","NR")) +
theme_bw() +
labs(x="\nTreatment Type",
y="Proportion of open-country species detections\n") +
scale_x_discrete(labels = c('BM','AR','NR')) +
theme(axis.title = element_text(family = "Century Gothic",
size = 14, face = "bold"),
axis.text = element_text(family="Century Gothic",size = 14),
legend.position = "none")
ggsave(fig_OC, filename = "figs/fig_acousticPointCount_propOC.png", width=12, height=7, device = png(), units="in", dpi = 300);