Section 3 Temperature-elevation associations

In this script, we calculate temperatures across elevational bands in the Eastern and Western Himalayas.

3.1 Load necessary libraries


# get ci func
ci <- function(x){qnorm(0.975)*sd(x, na.rm = T)/sqrt(length(x))}

# prep mode function to aggregate
funcMode <- function(x, na.rm = T) {
  ux <- unique(x)
  ux[which.max(tabulate(match(x, ux)))]

# a basic test
assertthat::assert_that(funcMode(c(2,2,2,2,3,3,3,4)) == as.character(2), 
                        msg = "problem in the mode function") # works

3.2 Load shapefiles

# Load shapefiles
# Please note the below shapefile consists of multiple polygons that combines the east and west
himalayas <- st_read("data/shapefiles/shapefile_himalaya.shp")

# Need to merge a few polygons to essentially split himalayas into the west and the east
# This will have to be done at 83E for Nepal

# Merge polygons for western himalayas
west_toMerge <- himalayas[c(3,4,7,8,9,10),]
westHim <- st_crop(west_toMerge,xmin=68.03321,ymin=23.69771,xmax=83,ymax=37.07761)

# Merge polygons for eastern himalayas
east_toMerge <- himalayas[c(1,2,5,6,10),]
east_toMerge <- st_buffer(east_toMerge, dist=0)
eastHim <- st_crop(east_toMerge,xmin=83,ymin=25.96462,xmax=97.4115,ymax=30.44728)

3.3 Prepare elevation rasters

# load elevation and crop to hills size, then mask by hills
# Please note that this file is large and is not uploaded to GitHub and can be downloaded from SRTM (Farr et al. 2007)
alt <- raster("data/elevation/alt")
alt.east <- crop(alt, as(eastHim, "Spatial"))
alt.west <- crop(alt, as(westHim, "Spatial"))
rm(alt); gc()

# get slope and aspect
slopeEast <- terrain(x = alt.east, opt = c("slope", "aspect"))
slopeWest <- terrain(x = alt.west, opt = c("slope", "aspect"))

# stack rasters
elevEast <- raster::stack(alt.east, slopeEast)
elevWest <- raster::stack(alt.west, slopeWest)
rm(alt.east,alt.west); gc()

3.4 Prepare climate rasters

# list chelsa files
# CHELSA files are not uploaded to GitHub as they are extremely large and can be downloaded from
# Please note that we downloaded four rasters corresponding to minimum and maximum temperatures for the months of January and June

chelsaFiles <- list.files("data/chelsa/", 
                          full.names = TRUE, 
                          pattern = "*.tif")

# gather chelsa data over the east
chelsaEast <- purrr::map(chelsaFiles, function(chr){
  a <- raster(chr)
  crs(a) <- crs(elevEast)
  a <- crop(a, as(eastHim, "Spatial"))

# gather chelsa data over the west
chelsaWest <- purrr::map(chelsaFiles, function(chr){
  a <- raster(chr)
  crs(a) <- crs(elevWest)
  a <- crop(a, as(westHim, "Spatial"))

# Divide temperature values by 10 for east
chelsaEast[[1]] <- chelsaEast[[1]]/10
chelsaEast[[2]] <- chelsaEast[[2]]/10
chelsaEast[[3]] <- chelsaEast[[3]]/10
chelsaEast[[4]] <- chelsaEast[[4]]/10

# Divide temperature values by 10 for the west
chelsaWest[[1]] <- chelsaWest[[1]]/10
chelsaWest[[2]] <- chelsaWest[[2]]/10
chelsaWest[[3]] <- chelsaWest[[3]]/10
chelsaWest[[4]] <- chelsaWest[[4]]/10

# stack chelsa data for the east and west
chelsaEast <- raster::stack(chelsaEast)
chelsaWest <- raster::stack(chelsaWest)

### Stack prepared rasters
# stack rasters for efficient reprojection later
env_east <- stack(elevEast, chelsaEast)
env_west <- stack(elevWest, chelsaWest)

# get proper names
elev_names <- c("elev", "slope", "aspect")
chelsa_names <- c("maxTemp_Jan", "maxTemp_June","minTemp_Jan","minTemp_June")

names(env_east) <- as.character(glue('{c(elev_names, chelsa_names)}'))
names(env_west) <- as.character(glue('{c(elev_names, chelsa_names)}'))

3.5 Extracting data across elevational bands

# make duplicate stack
envEast <- env_east[[c("elev", chelsa_names)]]
envWest <- env_West[[c("elev", chelsa_names)]]

# convert to list
envEast <- as.list(envEast)
envWest <- as.list(envWest)

# map get values over the stack
envEast <- purrr::map(envEast, getValues)
envWest <- purrr::map(envWest, getValues)
names(envEast) <- c("elev", chelsa_names)
names(envWest) <- c("elev", chelsa_names)

# convert to dataframe and round to a particular elevational band you need
envEast <- bind_cols(envEast)
envWest <- bind_cols(envWest)

envEast <- drop_na(envEast) %>% 
  mutate(elev_round  = plyr::round_any(elev, 100)) %>% # changed to 100 m intervals 
  dplyr::select(-elev) %>% 
  group_by(elev_round) %>% 
  summarise_all(.funs = list(~mean(.), ~ci(.))) %>%
  mutate(tempRange_Jan = (maxTemp_Jan_mean - minTemp_Jan_mean),
         tempRange_June = (maxTemp_June_mean - minTemp_June_mean))

envWest <- drop_na(envWest) %>% 
  mutate(elev_round  = plyr::round_any(elev, 100)) %>% # changed to 100 m intervals 
  dplyr::select(-elev) %>% 
  group_by(elev_round) %>% 
  summarise_all(.funs = list(~mean(.), ~ci(.))) %>%
  mutate(tempRange_Jan = (maxTemp_Jan_mean - minTemp_Jan_mean),
         tempRange_June = (maxTemp_June_mean - minTemp_June_mean))

# Write results to a .csv
west_data <- write.csv(env,"results/westHim_100.csv", row.names = F) 
east_data <- write.csv(env,"results/eastHim_100.csv", row.names = F)

3.6 Plot temperature as a function of elevation

# eastern Himalayas
fig_climate_elevEast <- ggplot(envEast)+
  geom_line(aes(x = elev_round, y = mean),
            size = 0.2, col = "grey")+
  geom_pointrange(aes(x = elev_round, y = mean, ymin=mean-ci, ymax=mean+ci),
                  size = 0.3)+
  scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::comma)+
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma)+
  facet_wrap(~clim_var, scales = "free_y")+
  labs(x = "elevation (m) at 100m intervals", y = "CHELSA variable value")+
  theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 16, face = "bold"), 
        axis.ticks.length.x = unit(.5, "cm"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.title = element_blank(),
        legend.key.size = unit(1,"cm"),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 12))

# save ggplots accordingly
ggsave(fig_climate_elevEast, filename = "figs/fig_eastHim_elev100.png", 
       height = 10, width = 14, device = png(), dpi = 300, units="in");

# western Himalayas
fig_climate_elevWest <- ggplot(envWest)+
  geom_line(aes(x = elev_round, y = mean),
            size = 0.2, col = "grey")+
  geom_pointrange(aes(x = elev_round, y = mean, ymin=mean-ci, ymax=mean+ci),
                  size = 0.3)+
  scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::comma)+
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma)+
  facet_wrap(~clim_var, scales = "free_y")+
  labs(x = "elevation (m) at 100m intervals", y = "CHELSA variable value")+
  theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 16, face = "bold"), 
        axis.ticks.length.x = unit(.5, "cm"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 14),
        legend.title = element_blank(),
        legend.key.size = unit(1,"cm"),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 12))

# save ggplots accordingly
ggsave(fig_climate_elevWest, filename = "figs/fig_westHim_elev100.png", 
       height = 10, width = 14, device = png(), dpi = 300, units="in");