Section 6 Extent of elevational migration
In this script, we calculate the median migration extent, breeding and wintering elevation for all combinations of elevational limit and sampling effort separately for the eastern and western Himalayas, modified from Tsai et al 2020)
6.2 Load previously generated .Rdata files for analyses
#### Keep only full species data
dat.1<-dat.1 %>% filter(CATEGORY == "species" | CATEGORY == "issf")
##Separating eastern and western himalayas
dat1W<-dat.1 %>% filter (LONGITUDE < 83)
dat1E<-dat.1 %>% filter (LONGITUDE > 83)
6.3 Eastern Himalayas
#### Creating a list of unique species
uniSpe_east <- dat1E %>% filter(CATEGORY == "species" | CATEGORY == "issf")
uniSpe_east <- unique(uniSpe_east[, "COMMON.NAME"]) %>% data.frame()
colnames(uniSpe_east) <- "Species"
for (minSample in c(30, 60)) {
for (ds in c("05.q1", "05.q2", "05.q3", "95.q1", "95.q2", "95.q3", "50.q1", "50.q2", "50.q3")) {
load(paste("results/eBird_woNepal_resampled_east_", ds, ".Rdata", sep = ""))
B.elev <- sapply(1:1000, function(x) rs[[x]][, 1])
B.n <- sapply(1:1000, function(x) rs[[x]][, 2])
W.elev <- sapply(1:1000, function(x) rs[[x]][, 3])
W.n <- sapply(1:1000, function(x) rs[[x]][, 4])
diff <- B.elev - W.elev
# For each species exclude trials where it has been detected less than 30/60 times in winter or summer
if (minSample == 30) diff[W.n < 30 | B.n < 30] <- NA
if (minSample == 60) diff[W.n < 60 | B.n < 60] <- NA
diff.sel <- diff[apply(diff, 1, FUN = function(x) sum( < 1000, ]
# Calculate medians of the percentiles over 1000 sets of resampled sampling events. Along with confidence intervals
med.CI <- apply(diff.sel, 1, FUN = function(x) quantile((x), c(0.025, .5, .975), na.rm = TRUE))
med.CI <- t(med.CI)
med.CI <-
med.CI$Group <- with(med.CI, ifelse(`2.5%` > 0 & `97.5%` > 0, 2, ifelse(`2.5%` < 0 & `97.5%` < 0, 1, 0)))
med.CI$LCI_diff <- as.numeric(med.CI$`2.5%`)
med.CI$Median_diff <- as.numeric(med.CI$`50%`)
med.CI$UCI_diff <- as.numeric(med.CI$`97.5%`)
med.CI$Species <- rownames(med.CI)
## adding median breeding elevations to the same table
if (minSample == 30) B.elev[W.n < 30 | B.n < 30] <- NA
if (minSample == 60) B.elev[W.n < 60 | B.n < 60] <- NA
B.sel <- B.elev[apply(B.elev, 1, FUN = function(x) sum( < 1000, ]
med.S.CI <- apply(B.sel, 1, FUN = function(x) quantile((x), c(0.025, .5, .975), na.rm = TRUE))
med.S.CI <- t(med.S.CI)
med.S.CI <-
med.S.CI$LCI_S <- as.numeric(med.S.CI$`2.5%`)
med.S.CI$Median_S <- as.numeric(med.S.CI$`50%`)
med.S.CI$UCI_S <- as.numeric(med.S.CI$`97.5%`)
med.S.CI$Species <- rownames(med.S.CI)
## adding median winter elevations to the same table
if (minSample == 30) W.elev[W.n < 30 | B.n < 30] <- NA
if (minSample == 60) W.elev[W.n < 60 | B.n < 60] <- NA
W.sel <- W.elev[apply(W.elev, 1, FUN = function(x) sum( < 1000, ]
med.W.CI <- apply(W.sel, 1, FUN = function(x) quantile((x), c(0.025, .5, .975), na.rm = TRUE))
med.W.CI <- t(med.W.CI)
med.W.CI <-
med.W.CI$LCI_W <- as.numeric(med.W.CI$`2.5%`)
med.W.CI$Median_W <- as.numeric(med.W.CI$`50%`)
med.W.CI$UCI_W <- as.numeric(med.W.CI$`97.5%`)
med.W.CI$Species <- rownames(med.W.CI)
ts<-left_join(med.CI,med.S.CI, by = "Species") %>% left_join(., med.W.CI, by = "Species", )
ts <- ts[c("Species", "Group", "Median_S", "LCI_S", "UCI_S","Median_W","LCI_W","UCI_W","Median_diff","LCI_diff", "UCI_diff")]
write.csv(ts, file = paste("results/final_birdlist_east_",ds,".sam",minSample, ".csv", sep = ""), row.names = F)
6.4 Western Himalayas
uniSpe_west <- dat1W %>% filter(CATEGORY == "species" | CATEGORY == "issf")
uniSpe_west <- unique(uniSpe_west[, "COMMON.NAME"]) %>% data.frame()
colnames(uniSpe_west) <- "Species"
for (minSample in c(30, 60)) {
for (ds in c("05.q1", "05.q2", "05.q3", "95.q1", "95.q2", "95.q3", "50.q1", "50.q2", "50.q3")) {
load(paste("results/eBird_woNepal_resampled_west_", ds, ".Rdata", sep = ""))
B.elev <- sapply(1:1000, function(x) rs[[x]][, 1])
B.n <- sapply(1:1000, function(x) rs[[x]][, 2])
W.elev <- sapply(1:1000, function(x) rs[[x]][, 3])
W.n <- sapply(1:1000, function(x) rs[[x]][, 4])
diff <- B.elev - W.elev
# For each species exclude trials where it has been detected less than 30/60 times in winter or summer
if (minSample == 30) diff[W.n < 30 | B.n < 30] <- NA
if (minSample == 60) diff[W.n < 60 | B.n < 60] <- NA
diff.sel <- diff[apply(diff, 1, FUN = function(x) sum( < 1000, ]
# Calculate medians of the percentiles over 1000 sets of resampled sampling events. Along with confidence intervals
med.CI <- apply(diff.sel, 1, FUN = function(x) quantile((x), c(0.025, .5, .975), na.rm = TRUE))
med.CI <- t(med.CI)
med.CI <-
med.CI$Group <- with(med.CI, ifelse(`2.5%` > 0 & `97.5%` > 0, 2, ifelse(`2.5%` < 0 & `97.5%` < 0, 1, 0)))
med.CI$LCI_diff <- as.numeric(med.CI$`2.5%`)
med.CI$Median_diff <- as.numeric(med.CI$`50%`)
med.CI$UCI_diff <- as.numeric(med.CI$`97.5%`)
med.CI$Species <- rownames(med.CI)
## adding median breeding elevations to the same table
if (minSample == 30) B.elev[W.n < 30 | B.n < 30] <- NA
if (minSample == 60) B.elev[W.n < 60 | B.n < 60] <- NA
B.sel <- B.elev[apply(B.elev, 1, FUN = function(x) sum( < 1000, ]
med.S.CI <- apply(B.sel, 1, FUN = function(x) quantile((x), c(0.025, .5, .975), na.rm = TRUE))
med.S.CI <- t(med.S.CI)
med.S.CI <-
med.S.CI$LCI_S <- as.numeric(med.S.CI$`2.5%`)
med.S.CI$Median_S <- as.numeric(med.S.CI$`50%`)
med.S.CI$UCI_S <- as.numeric(med.S.CI$`97.5%`)
med.S.CI$Species <- rownames(med.S.CI)
## adding median winter elevations to the same table
if (minSample == 30) W.elev[W.n < 30 | B.n < 30] <- NA
if (minSample == 60) W.elev[W.n < 60 | B.n < 60] <- NA
W.sel <- W.elev[apply(W.elev, 1, FUN = function(x) sum( < 1000, ]
med.W.CI <- apply(W.sel, 1, FUN = function(x) quantile((x), c(0.025, .5, .975), na.rm = TRUE))
med.W.CI <- t(med.W.CI)
med.W.CI <-
med.W.CI$LCI_W <- as.numeric(med.W.CI$`2.5%`)
med.W.CI$Median_W <- as.numeric(med.W.CI$`50%`)
med.W.CI$UCI_W <- as.numeric(med.W.CI$`97.5%`)
med.W.CI$Species <- rownames(med.W.CI)
ts<-left_join(med.CI,med.S.CI, by = "Species") %>% left_join(., med.W.CI, by = "Species", )
ts <- ts[c("Species", "Group", "Median_S", "LCI_S", "UCI_S","Median_W","LCI_W","UCI_W","Median_diff","LCI_diff", "UCI_diff")]
write.csv(ts, file = paste("results/final_birdlist_west",ds,".sam",minSample, ".csv", sep = ""), row.names = F)